Oct 22, 2010

Shreya Ghoshal hurts herself. Fans go beserk with concern

Shreya Ghoshal was just unwinding from her hectic but a hugely successful trip of UK when she sprained her foot. Hopefully, the sprain is not serious and Shreya should be back in action soon.
Said Shreya soon after, "In a sudden bout of affection towards my brother I sprained my foot!". Well SG, the affection of the music lovers is surely and fully with you. You just get back to 'mic' soon.
Soon after this news was spread like wildfire on the net, her fans went into a bout of sad ecstacy; almost beserk with concern.One fan said, "plz atleast update about ur sprained.. Now very tensed..!!! Plz..". One SG lover quizzed, "u sprained ur foot!!! :O how?? Does it hurt :( how di it happen?)".
But some of her fans tried to lighten up the gloom. Jokes one, "Now ask him to give u(her brother) a massage". And another exclaimed, "Did you affectionately kick him?".
This concern as well as the curiosity about the mishappening clearly shows the immnesly growing popularity of the Singing Diva of Bollywood. The craze for Shreya Ghoshal is almost akin to the craze which the Bollywood actors enjoy. Shreya frenzy is especially maddening in countries like US, Austrailia and the UK. Never seen such mind boggling popularity of a Indian singer. Its reaaly a testimony to her talent, her rapport with her fans and of course her angel like looks. Shreya Ghoshal surely is a head turner..
It could be just a matter of time when a big production house signs her for a movie.


  1. Very nice yar
    and Shreya di sab ki msgz dekhte hai
    (m also a pankha of our god sg kanikasarkar303@gmail.com)
