Shreya Ghoshal fans have a feeling that a section of the media has suddenly gone against her in terms of coverage. In fact even a section of Bollywood seems to doing the same. Her fans were especially aghast with anger when they came to know that Shreya was not there at the inaugural Global Indian Music Awards (GIMA). More frustration came for the fans when they came to know that she was not considered for any award or even felicitation. Surprisingly, Sunidhi Chauhan walked away with an award.
Web is full of reactions from Shreya lovers. As one fan says, “No value for any awards these days. V fans r her priceless award". Another fans simply says, "it’s nonsense..awards are for excellence or presence". One Shreya lover summarises, "It’s disgusting how they are completely ignoring Shreya".
Imagine a music awards ceremony instituted with the help of the Indian Music Industry itself actually did not have it's most popular female icon-Shreya Ghoshal, present at its inaugural event. What a way to recognise the talent and popularity of one greatest young talent of our country!
Parallel to this trend, Sunidhi Chauhan suddenly seems to be drawing up to the media as well to event organisers. She was at the GIMA receiving an award, she was at Band Baja Baarat music celebrations performing (though Shreya has also sung for BBB) and then she made it to the columns of some newspapers yesterday, who labelled her as ‘one of the busiest singer of the hour’( I had a mighty laugh after reading this one!).
Hope there is no foul play here to isolate and sideline our dear Shreya. But foul play or no play, Shreya Ghoshal will always be tops.
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