Recently, Shreya Ghoshal had a tough time shooting for one of the episodes of Star Pluss’ Music Ka Maha Muqqabla as she had to perform wearing a sari. Believe me Shreya looks super sexy in sari. I still remember Shreya looking stunning as she wore a black chiffon saree and sang the eternal seduction song, 'Jadoo Hai Nasha Hai' on Sony some years back.
Shreya Ghoshal one of the six captains of Star Plus' Music Ka Maha Muqqabla, easily captures the difficulties of sur and taal. However, the girl had to face a tough time when it came to conquering her costume- the traditional Indian sari!
According to reports,for the upcoming episode that is to be aired this weekend(9th Jan), Shreya had to make an entry, where she had to climb the steps to the stage while simultaneously lip synching a few lines from the soundtrack that was being played. However, Shreya kept stumbling during the shoot, because the nails on the steps kept pulling at her sari. The poor thing couldn't decide on what to concentrate more, the singing or the sari.
Eventually Shreya asked if she could skip the first few steps, and when the director gave the go ahead, Shreya started climbing the steps from halfway and made the intended grand entry.
Shreya's challenger in this episode, Shankar Mahadevan, showered Shreya with compliments. Shankar said, Shreya looks so gorgeous that she already seemed like a winner. And that he doubted whether he would win. The graceful and down to earth being this diva is, Shreya replied gracefully that even if Shankar lost it, he should take it as a compliment because Shreya considers him as her guru and the victory of a student is always a compliment for the teacher. Shankar too said that he will be happy if indeed Shreya won the face-off.
Hey guys, we never knew superstars are made of this stuff too! SRK, are u listening?
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