Dec 10, 2010

Know more about your Shreya Ghoshal

Fans, get to know more about your Shreya Ghoshal, the princess of Bollywood Pop, through her own quotes.  

Here are a few interesting facts we come too know about her personality, her likes and dislikes:

  • We know Shreya Ghoshal is extermely beautiful when she says, "I just re realised that I carry 7 different bottles of fragrant creams n lotions in my handbag!" .
  • We know Shreya has great taste for music when she says, " 'Porcupine tree' plays all d time at home, loud!".
  • Shreya as a poet and nature lover when she reveals, "Paradise is right here. Around u. Our blue planet is just too tooo beautiful, but we refuse to believe it."
  • Our super successful and so busy Shreya says, "Actually now I love living out of the suitcase.. Pretty much adapted myself to this nomadic life! High time I start living in tents."
  • Very true, when Shreya Ghoshal says, " Wat is a hindi pichchar without songs.."
  • Shreya, a camera person's delight, actually herself is a lover of photography, "I spend so much time on the highways travelling between cities, so much I see, its like watching a movie.. Shud carry my camera always!"
More to come.

1 comment:

  1. I am basically a fan of Shreya Ghoshal and found of knowing about more and more recently i saw a site in which it has been announced that Shreya Ghoshal is going to perform a live show in Hyderabad at Jan 14th 2011 at Novotel-HICC. For more details go through the link below. Thank you.

    Shreya Ghoshal
