The audio release of the Kannada film 'Manasare' took place at the Innovative Film City in Bidadi Industrial town (40kms from Bangalore) on 12th August. Shreya Ghoshal, who is currently having a good run with Kannada songs was the guest of honour.
Hyderabad based music company, Aditya Music has bought the music rights of Manasaare.
Although a 7 years+ as a singer now, this is actually the first time Shreya released a audio album! Shreya said, “My Kannada songs are very popular even in West Bengal. This is my first Kannada audio release function. In Kannada, I have sung nearly 100 songs.” Shreya enlightened the audience at the function by singing a stanza of a song in Manasaare.
She is an superb singer hats off to her..